- If the SART is stowed on the vessel, then remove it from the bracket mounted inside the vessel next to emergency exit while abandoning the vessel and embark the life raft.
- Switch on the SART (the way to do that depends of the SART model). The SART should give appropriate light indication (depends on the SART model).
An example of switching on a SART (flip tab to UNLOCK position, then remove the pin by pulling it downward)
- If no pole is available for the SART or the life raft canopy support is at least 1 m above sea level, then mount it internally: attach it with the lanyard on the support strap that it would hang. Otherwise mount it externally: mount it to the pole passed through the aperture in the canopy (in such case the lanyard must be tied to the life raft to allow retreival shuould the SART fall into the water).
- Ensure the SART is not obstructed by metal objects or inflatable radar reflectors, as it reduces the efficiency.
- If the SART is mounted to the pole, then periodically check to see if the SART is still vertical.
- When the SART detects radar pulses and it gives appropriate audible and light indication (depends on the SART model), you should try to help rescuers using any possible radio, visual, voice etc. communication techniques such as:
- switch on handheld VHF on VHF CH 16 and make a Mayday broadcast to establish voice contact with the SAR units,
- fire orange smoke flares for use at daylight and red rocket flares for use at night (rocket flares should NOT be fired if helicopters are in the close vicinity),
- if you are in radio contact with SAR unit, switch off your SART and deploy your radar reflector on instructions from the On-scene coordinator of the SAR units.
The SART must only be used in an emergency - in situations of grave and imminent danger.
Zadnja sprememba: sobota, 25 april 2020, 19:50