As the SART is a safety device, it must be regulary checked at least every month as follows...

  1. Visually inspect the casing for cracks.
  2. If the SART is stored in an exposed position, then regular cleaning is recommended.
  3. If the SART is supplied with a pole then check the pole that it operates correctly.
  4. Check to ensure the lanyard is neatly bundled and firmly secured to the SART.
  5. Check that the battery expiry label shows sufficient battery life to cover the next routine voyage.
  6. Peform functional test of the SART. Hold the switch on the SART in its TEST position (the way to do that depends of the SART model) for no more than 10 s at least 15 m from the vessel's X-band radar antenna. The SART should give appropriate sound and light warning (depends on the SART model). On the vessel's X-band radar display should appear concentric circles covering the whole radar display. When testing is completed, return the switch on the SART in its SAFE/OFF position (the way to do that depends of the SART model). The SART test is a live operation with a little output power that ensures only limited transmittion range.

SART test

An example of switching a SART in its TEST position (flip tab to UNLOCK position, then press button down and hold until test is completed)


If the SART fails any of its monthly checks, it must be returned to the supplier or an authorised service agent.

If the battery is beyond its expiry date, the SART must be returned to an authorised service agent for a battery change. It can be changed on board if its expiry date is due imminently or has passed.

If the SART has been used in an emergency, it must be returned to an authorised service agent for a battery change.

Last modified: Saturday, 25 April 2020, 7:50 PM