Πηγή: Διεθνής Κώδικας Σημάτων, 2005 ed. (IMO IA994E), IMO – Διεθνής Οργανισμός Ναυτιλίας, 2005, ISBN 9789280141986
A I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.
B I am taking in, ή discharging, ή carrying dangerous goods.
C Yes (καταφατικό ή: "Η σημασία της προηγούμενης ομάδας πρέπει να αναγνωστεί").
D Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty.
E I am altering my course to starboard.
F I am disabled; communicate with me.
G I require a pilot. Όταν η αίτηση γίνεται από αλιευτικό που δραστηριοποιείται κοντά σε σημαία αλιείας σημαίνει: "τραβάω δίχτυα".
H I have a pilot on board.
I I am altering my course to port.
J I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board: keep well clear of me, ή I am leaking dangerous cargo.
K I wish to communicate with you.
L You should stop your vessel instantly.
M My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water.
N No (αρνητικό ή "Η σημασία της προηγούμενης ομάδας πρέπει να αναγνωστεί αρνητικά"). Αυτό το σήμα πρέπει να δίνεται μόνο οπτικά ή ηχητικά. Στη φωνητική επικοινωνία ή στις εκπομπές ασυρμάτου το σήμα πρέπει να είναι “NO”.
O Man overboard.
P In harbor.—Όλοι πρέπει να αναφερθούνε ντός πλοίου γιατί το πλοίο είναι έτοιμο να σαλπάρει.
At sea.—Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί από αλιευτικά εννοώντας: "Τα δίχτυα μου πιάστηκαν σε κάποιο εμπόδιο". Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί επίσης ηχητικά εννοώντας: "Χρειάζομαι πιλότο".
Q My vessel is “healthy” and I request free pratique.
S I am operating astern propulsion.
T Keep clear of me; I am engaged in pair trawling.
U You are running into danger.
V I require assistance.
W I require medical assistance.
X Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals.
Y I am dragging my anchor.
Z I require a tug. Όταν λέγεται από αλλιευτικά που κινούνται κοντά σε τόπους αλιείας σημαίνει: "Ρίχνω δίχτυα".
AC I am abandoning my vessel.
AD I am abandoning my vessel which has suffered a nuclear accident and is a possible source of radiation danger.
AN I need a doctor.
AN 1 I need a doctor; I have severe burns.
AN 2 I need a doctor; I have radiation casualties.
BR I require a helicopter.
CD I require immediate assistance.
DV I am drifting.
ED Your help signal was understood.
EF SOS/MAYDAY has been canceled.
EL Repeat the distress position.
EL 1 What is the position of vessel in distress?
FA Will you give me my position?
FO I'm standing by you.
GM I cannot save my vessel.
GN You should take off persons.
GN 1 I wish some persons taken off. Skeleton crew will remain on board.
GN 2 I will take off persons.
GN 3 Can you take off persons?
GW Man overboard. Please take action to pick him up.
IR Stay at large.
IT I am on fire.
JG I'm astray.
JL You are running the risk of going aground.
KN I can't tow you.
KP Tow me to port.
LO I am not in my correct position: used by a light vessel.
MAA I request urgent medical advice.
MAB I request you to make rendezvous in position indicated.
MAC I request you to arrange hospital admission.
MAD I am . . . (αναφέρατε αριθμό) hours from the nearest port.
MS 1 My vessel is a dangerous source of radiation; you may approach from my starboard side.
NA Navigation prohibited.
NC I am in distress and require immediate assistance.
PD Your navigation lights are not visible.
PM Follow me.
PP Keep well clear of me.
QD I am going ahead.
QQ I require health clearance.
QT I am going astern.
QU Anchoring is prohibited.
QX I request permission to anchor.
RU Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty.
SO You should stop your vessel instantly.
UM The Harbor is closed to traffic.
UP Permission to enter Harbor is urgently requested. I have an emergency.
US 4 Nothing can be done until weather moderates.
VG The coverage of low clouds is… (αριθμός ογδόων του ουρανού που καλύπτονται).
YU I am going to communicate with your station by means of the International Code of Signals.
ZL Your signal has been received but not understood.
Πηγή: Διεθνής Κώδικας Σημάτων, 2005 ed. (IMO IA994E), IMO – Διεθνής Οργανισμός Ναυτιλίας, 2005, ISBN 9789280141986
A I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.
B I am taking in, ή discharging, ή carrying dangerous goods.
C Yes (καταφατικό ή: "Η σημασία της προηγούμενης ομάδας πρέπει να αναγνωστεί").
D Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty.
E I am altering my course to starboard.
F I am disabled; communicate with me.
G I require a pilot. Όταν η αίτηση γίνεται από αλιευτικό που δραστηριοποιείται κοντά σε σημαία αλιείας σημαίνει: "τραβάω δίχτυα".
H I have a pilot on board.
I I am altering my course to port.
J I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board: keep well clear of me, ή I am leaking dangerous cargo.
K I wish to communicate with you.
L You should stop your vessel instantly.
M My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water.
N No (αρνητικό ή "Η σημασία της προηγούμενης ομάδας πρέπει να αναγνωστεί αρνητικά"). Αυτό το σήμα πρέπει να δίνεται μόνο οπτικά ή ηχητικά. Στη φωνητική επικοινωνία ή στις εκπομπές ασυρμάτου το σήμα πρέπει να είναι “NO”.
O Man overboard.
P In harbor.—Όλοι πρέπει να αναφερθούνε ντός πλοίου γιατί το πλοίο είναι έτοιμο να σαλπάρει.
At sea.—Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί από αλιευτικά εννοώντας: "Τα δίχτυα μου πιάστηκαν σε κάποιο εμπόδιο". Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί επίσης ηχητικά εννοώντας: "Χρειάζομαι πιλότο".
Q My vessel is “healthy” and I request free pratique.
S I am operating astern propulsion.
T Keep clear of me; I am engaged in pair trawling.
U You are running into danger.
V I require assistance.
W I require medical assistance.
X Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals.
Y I am dragging my anchor.
Z I require a tug. Όταν λέγεται από αλλιευτικά που κινούνται κοντά σε τόπους αλιείας σημαίνει: "Ρίχνω δίχτυα".
AC I am abandoning my vessel.
AD I am abandoning my vessel which has suffered a nuclear accident and is a possible source of radiation danger.
AN I need a doctor.
AN 1 I need a doctor; I have severe burns.
AN 2 I need a doctor; I have radiation casualties.
BR I require a helicopter.
CD I require immediate assistance.
DV I am drifting.
ED Your help signal was understood.
EF SOS/MAYDAY has been canceled.
EL Repeat the distress position.
EL 1 What is the position of vessel in distress?
FA Will you give me my position?
FO I'm standing by you.
GM I cannot save my vessel.
GN You should take off persons.
GN 1 I wish some persons taken off. Skeleton crew will remain on board.
GN 2 I will take off persons.
GN 3 Can you take off persons?
GW Man overboard. Please take action to pick him up.
IR Stay at large.
IT I am on fire.
JG I'm astray.
JL You are running the risk of going aground.
KN I can't tow you.
KP Tow me to port.
LO I am not in my correct position: used by a light vessel.
MAA I request urgent medical advice.
MAB I request you to make rendezvous in position indicated.
MAC I request you to arrange hospital admission.
MAD I am . . . (αναφέρατε αριθμό) hours from the nearest port.
MS 1 My vessel is a dangerous source of radiation; you may approach from my starboard side.
NA Navigation prohibited.
NC I am in distress and require immediate assistance.
PD Your navigation lights are not visible.
PM Follow me.
PP Keep well clear of me.
QD I am going ahead.
QQ I require health clearance.
QT I am going astern.
QU Anchoring is prohibited.
QX I request permission to anchor.
RU Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty.
SO You should stop your vessel instantly.
UM The Harbor is closed to traffic.
UP Permission to enter Harbor is urgently requested. I have an emergency.
US 4 Nothing can be done until weather moderates.
VG The coverage of low clouds is… (αριθμός ογδόων του ουρανού που καλύπτονται).
YU I am going to communicate with your station by means of the International Code of Signals.
ZL Your signal has been received but not understood.
Senest ændret: lørdag den 25. april 2020, 19:50