Schools - Teach your students using our GMDSS courses
Take advantages of our GMDSS courses:
- Lots of text material, images, graphs, tables, maps and quizzes,
- GMDSS Simulators and Simulations of operations on available GMDSS simulators,
- Other simulations (VHF range, MF/HF range, simplex/duplex channels, INTERCO etc.).
All material is available in more than 10 languages and any course including simulators may be used by teachers and students as well.
GMDSS Simulators Available
- Simrad's GMDSS VHF RD68 radio simulator,
- McMurdo's NAVTEX receiver NAV 6 Plus simulator,
- Thrane&Thrane's SAILOR 5100 MF/HF radio simulator,
- Thrane&Thrane's SAILOR TT-3606E Message Terminal simulator,
- Thrane&Thrane's SAILOR TT-3020 Inmarsat transceiver simulator,
- and more.
Simple Procedure
1. Create new user's account
2. Upgrade your account to access also our GMDSS simulators
3. Make a plan on how to support your teachers and involve your students
4. Share your account details with your teachers and students
Contact Us Today
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Phone: +386 41 412 067
Digital Sea School
Egmdss.com is in line with Digital Sea School guidelines. You can find more on digital transformation of your sea school at digitalseaschool.eu
Our Clients - Schools which are already using egmdss.com
This list is non-exhaustive
- Perth Boat School, Australia
- Offshore, Belgium
- 4TX, Belgium
- Bateau-ecole, Belgium
- Camosun College, Canada
- Pomorska škola Bakar, Croatia
- BR Marine, Denmark
- Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu, Finland
- Magyar Jacht Akadémiá, Hungary
- Kish Ro Abi, Iran
- VHF Navcom, Ireland
- Istituto di Cultura Marttimo Portuale di Trieste, Italy
- Nati 2 volte, Italy
- Octava, Italy
- SE.MA2, Italy
- Thesi, Italy
- Lietuvos aukstoji jureivystes mokykla, Lietuva
- Maritiem Instituut Willem Barentsz van de NHL, Netherlands
- Zeevaart School Abel Tasman, Netherlands
- Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, Poland
- Navigare, Poland
- Osrodek Prac Rozwojowych, Poland
- Serbian nautical academy, Serbia
- T&T Bisso Salvage Asia, Singapore
- Tatra marine, Slovakia
- Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet, Slovenia
- Navtikon, Slovenia
- Pomorski in tehniški izobraževalni center Portorož, Slovenia
- Spinaker, Slovenia
- Facultat náutica de Barcelona, Spain
- FUECA, Spain
- Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
- CINEC Maritime Campus, Sri Lanka
- Piri Reis University, Turkey
- Türk Deniz Eğitim Vakfı, Turkey
- Kyiv State Maritime Academy, Ukraine
This site has been chosen as one of 9 best from 443 e-learning resources in the "My favorite e-learning resources" contest (16.6.2006 - an European Commission initiative elearningeuropa.info).
I can refresh the VHF radio operations and not be restrained by the class timetables or the cost of a tutor. It is fantastic! VHF simulator is great!
- Thomas Bryant, Southampton, UK
I have been using egmdss.com for over one week now, and I am finding it very effective. I like the fact that I can learn anytime from anywhere, for example, completing a quick ten-minute lesson during my lunch break.
- Marco Sesanna, Napoli, Italy
We are using egmdss.com as the additional learning material for our GMDSS courses. Students are very happy as they can use available simulators at any time.
- GMDSS VET provider, Netherlands
I have been trying to find any useful way to motivate my students before the lectures for a long time. When I found egmdss.com my problem was resolved. They must take motivating quizzes at least two days before the lectures starts. I have all their results, so we can focus the lectures to the detected knowledge gaps. This is the reason that my students don't find my lectures boring.
- GMDSS VET provider, Poland
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