DSC Distress, Urgency, Safety and Routine AlertingVHF CH 70 is exclusively available for DSC Distress, Urgency, Safety and Routine Alerts only. This channel must not be used for RT communications, so this is prevented by the communication equipment itself.

RT Distress, Urgency, Safety and Routine CallingVHF CH 16 is exclusively available for RT Distress, Urgency, Safety and Routine Calling only.

Public correspondence - CRS (Coast Radio Stations) – to interface between boats at sea with the main shore based telecommunications networks; provide facilities for testing VHF radios; transmitting weather forecasts, broadcasts and navigational warnings and coordinating SAR; coordinate Maritime or Medical Advice or Assistance; receive boat voyage reports on leaving or entering port and ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), so on and so forth.

CG (Coast Guards) - may provide the same facilities as CRS with the exception of interfacing with main shore based telecommunications networks, in coastal regions where there are no CRS established.

Port Operations – provide radio communication services in harbour with port operators, pilot vessels, tugs, pilot stations and all associated VTMS (Vessel Traffic Management Services).

Inter-ship – used for radio communication between ships at sea.

On Board Communication – used for on board radio communications using handheld VHF.

Boat Marinas – provide availability of moorings, recommendations for sailing into port and harbour facilities and so forth. UK marinas uses VHF CH 80 channel. Dedicated VHF channels are available for particular geographical areas, for example CH M (157.850 MHz) and CH M2 (161.425 MHz) are “private” channels that have been allocated by the UK government specifically for use by marinas, yacht clubs and pleasure craft.

MSI (Maritime Safety Information) – this includes weather forecasts and broadcasts, navigational warnings and SAR information. Normally transmitted by RT to all stations by either shore based CRS or CG on working channels either at regular published times or indicated by initial alerting by DSC on VHF CH 70. When sailing in the East Central part of the Adriatic Sea, Split Harbour Master’s Office broadcasts continuous taped-voice giving weatherinformation for the coastal waters of Croatia in Croatian, English, Italian and German on VHF CH 67. These broadcasts are made throughout the year and are repeated approximately every 10 minutes with the tapes being updated at 0700 hrs, 1300 hrs and 1900 hrs LT (Local Time). Information broadcast includes a brief situation report, 24 hour short forecast and a barometric pressure report.

SAR (Search And Rescue) - used for search and rescue and anti-pollution operations. VHF CH 67 has been allocated in the UK not only for Inter-ship working but also for CG SAR as necessary.

Last modified: Saturday, 25 April 2020, 7:50 PM