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HFHigh frequency - same mean as long wave (LW). Frequency bands from 3 to 30 MHz. For distress calls in sea areas A3 and A4 HF frequencies should be used. | ||
HRU Hydrostatic Release Unit - It is a device that will automatically release the EPIRB once a depth of approximately 4-5 m is reached. | ||
I/O connectorI/O connector is the connector by which a computer exchanges information with the outside world e.g. GPS position information. | ||
IMO International Maritime Organisation - IMO is the source of approximately 60 legal instruments that guide the regulatory development of its member states to improve safety at sea, facilitate trade among seafaring states and protect the maritime environment. The most well known is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). | ||
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organisation - Inmarsat provides telephony and data services to users world-wide, via special terminals. An Inmarsat terminal contacts the satellite and communicates to a ground station through the satellite. It provides reliable communications services to a range of governments, aid agencies, media outlets and businesses needing to communicate in remote regions or where there is no reliable terrestrial network. Aside from its commercial services, Inmarsat provides GMDSS services to ships at no charge, as a public service. | ||
IORIOR is Indian Ocean Region. This region is one of the four Inmarsat satellite coverage area's | ||
ITU International Telecommunication Union - the United Nations agency for information and communication technology issues | ||
ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Services (List-IV)ITU List of Coast Station and Special Service Station (List-IV) : Tariffs and Taxes. Particulars of stations participating in GMDSS: MF, HF and VHF Digital Selective Calling; Coast Earth Stations; Stations broadcasting Maritime Safety Information (MSI); including those of NAVTEX service. call sign; selective call number and MMSI; hours of operation; frequencies in use; type and classes of emissions; hours of traffic lists and watch-keeping; etc. Particulars of stations used for maritime radio-navigation and of stations providing special transmissions for use by ship and other stations. Information provided: Direction finding and DF calibration stations; Radio beacons and radar beacons stations; Stations transmitting time and standard frequencies; Stations transmitting Ursigrams (bulletin about solar activities and the ionosphere); Stations transmitting regular meteorological bulletin and notices to mariners; Stations transmitting medical advice. | ||
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LRCLong Range Certificate. Just as every driver needs a license to drive a car, operators of marine radios also require a license. Radio operators on leisure or commercial vessels not under the regulation of the SOLAS convention that are fitted with long range communications (MF/HF radio) or satellite equipment must be qualified to a minimum standard. This standard is the GMDSS LRC (Long Range Certificate). | ||