ITU List of Coast Stations and Special Services (List-IV)

ITU List of Coast Station and Special Service Station (List-IV) : Tariffs and Taxes. Particulars of stations participating in GMDSS: MF, HF and VHF Digital Selective Calling; Coast Earth Stations; Stations broadcasting Maritime Safety Information (MSI); including those of NAVTEX service. call sign; selective call number and MMSI; hours of operation; frequencies in use; type and classes of emissions; hours of traffic lists and watch-keeping; etc. Particulars of stations used for maritime radio-navigation and of stations providing special transmissions for use by ship and other stations. Information provided: Direction finding and DF calibration stations; Radio beacons and radar beacons stations;
Stations transmitting time and standard frequencies; Stations transmitting Ursigrams (bulletin about solar activities and the ionosphere); Stations transmitting regular meteorological bulletin and notices to mariners; Stations transmitting medical advice.

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