Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 11:04 PM
Site: eGMDSS E-learning system
Course: Long Range Certificate Course (LRC)
Glossary: Glossary
SSBSingle-sideband modulation (SSB) is a refinement of amplitude modulation that more efficiently uses electrical power and bandwidth The method by which audio, (information), is impressed on a radio signal is called modulation. To modulate a radio wave is to add information to it that can be received on a receiver for some useful purpose. It is a very efficient method of superimposing your voice or other information on a radio wave and the transmission of that radio wave. |
Txradio transmitter |
UTC Coordinated Universal Time - It is a high-precision atomic time standard. Time zones around the world are expressed as positive or negative offsets from UTC. Local time is UTC plus the time zone offset for that location, plus an offset (typically +1) for daylight saving time, if in effect. |
VHFVery High Frequency - frequency band extending between 156 MHz and 174 MHz that contains 57 individual VHF CH (channels). |
VHF CH VHF Channel - The marine frequency band for VHF radio communication, extending between 156 MHz and 174 MHz, contains 57 individual VHF CH (channels) numbered consecutively from VHF CH 1 to VHF CH 28 and from VHF CH 60 to VHF CH 88. |
VHF DSC radio |
VHF radiois a transmitting-receiving system, which allows the operator to either transmit or receive information on the marine VHF (Very High Frequency) band |
VHF RT radioIt is a transmitting-receiving system, which allows the operator to either transmit or receive information on the marine VHF (Very High Frequency) band only by voice. |
WWNWS World Wide Navigation Warning Service - It is a co-ordinated global service for the promulgation of navigational warnings. In GMDSS Sea Area A1 and A2 they are broadcast via the NAVTEX system and outside given areas, via the SafetyNET system. |